Soundcloud is a music and podcast streaming platform that allows anyone to upload their audio content, which can be streamed by other users. Users are also able to like tracks and create playlists, as well as receive notifications when artists they follow post new content. This article will explain how Soundcloud functions from a technical perspective.
This article will assume the user has a basic understanding of how torrents work. If this is not the case, check out our “How Does Torrenting Work” article! A little about Soundcloud before we dive in- Soundcloud was founded in 2007 by Eric Wahlforss and Alexander Ljung, both who were students at the time. It was originally used as an application for sending and receiving music tracks with friends, but later grew to become a powerful platform for sharing and streaming audio content.
How to change soundcloud password
If you want to change your password in Soundcloud you need to follow the instructions described below:
- Click on ‘Forgot Password’ which is located at the top left of your screen.
- Now enter your e-mail address and click next.
- You will be sent an e-mail with a link now. Click on the link now.
- Now enter a new password and confirm your new password to complete the process mentioned above.
Soundcloud has an Alexa ranking of around #180 which isn’t bad, but not particularly great either. It’s estimated to have somewhere between 50-100 million users worldwide with about 20% being active monthly. Like most social media apps, Soundcloud can be accessed through it’s website or via mobile app.
Overview of the File Structure
Let’s take a look at what happens when you open up your web browser and go to listen to an artist on Soundcloud for example. The first thing that happens is the request sent out by our browser to the Soundcloud servers, which contain information about who we are, where we live etc. The server then sends back a small HTML document with some JavaScript in it.
What is Soundcloud Instance ID
A soundcloud instance id is an identifier which you can use to access your soundcloud profile on the web. Every user has their own unique soundcloud instance id where they receive these ids on registering with the service. You can also find other users’ soundclound ids using the methods listed here.
Soundcloud Login Problems
There are many cases where you will face difficulties while logging in to your soundcloud account which may include problems like being unable to receive update notifications, seeing error messages when logging into the service etc. You can overcome these issues by following some of these methods shared below-
Logging Out Of Soundcloud
You can logout of soundcloud by clicking on the logout button available on your profile page. On the top right corner there will be a dropdown menu as shown in the image below. Just click on it and select ‘sign out’. Your soundcloud login session would be logged off now and you will not be able to access your account until you sign into it.
How To Download Soundcloud Songs
There are many ways of downloading soundclound songs for free. In this article we will discuss some of the most reliable methods that work in 2018 and how to use them. Soundcloud can also be used to listen and download latest songs and we will learn about that as well.
Soundcloud Download Button
The soundcloud download button is an unofficial app which allows users to easily save any track they are listening in the background without having the need of constantly hitting the ‘download’ button. The real name of this app is still a mystery and there are no proper download button alternatives available.
Soundcloud is a great way to share, listen and download music online for free. You can also monetize your songs on soundcloud and earn revenue from it by using the soundcloud pro membership which comes with its own benefits as well.