
While there are so many cryptocurrency exchanges to choose from when swapping MATIC to XMR, analyzing every platform’s features is important. After reviewing the top-rated cryptocurrency exchanges based on their security, listings, fees, mobile capabilities, and features, here are the best three contenders where you can swap Matic for Monero hassle-free.
Godex offers a user-friendly interface as a decentralized exchange that makes it easy to swap cryptocurrencies. It also boasts a range of useful features:
- Anonymity. Users do not have to register or provide their personal information to trade.
- 300+ cryptos. Godex allows you to choose from over 300 cryptos.
- Fixed rates. When it comes to crypto conversions, a second can change your portfolio from a winning to a losing stance. That is why Godex offers a fixed rate — the best rate in the market at any particular instance of conversion.
- No transaction limits. Godex does not limit the amount you can transact. You can also perform any number of transactions in a day without prohibitions.
How to Exchange MATIC to XMR on Godex
The current MATIC/XMR exchange rate was 1:0.004554. You can always use the Godex price calculator to estimate how much XMR you’ll receive. Cryptocurrency prices are tough to predict — unless you rely on expert price predictions, as shown here: https://godex.io/blog/xyo-price-prediction-will-xyo-reach-1.
Simply follow the steps below to convert MATIC into XMR within the shortest time possible:
- Select MATIC in the “You Send” field and XMR in the “You Get” field.
- You’ll see the exchange rate once you enter the amount of MATIC you wish to convert.
- Enter the desired MATIC address and the type of network to receive tokens from, including BSC, ETH, or MATIC. Hit Exchange to Proceed.
- Provide the destination address for Monero and the sender address.
- A deposit address will be generated by Godex, to which you’ll send the MATIC coins.
Once Godex receives your MATIC, it will initiate the conversion, and you’ll receive XMR into your account.
This cryptocurrency exchange platform supports high-speed crypto swaps without account registration. Here are the key features to look out for:
- A rich selection of supported coins. LetsExchange has over 220 cryptos to consider.
- SmartRate Technology. LetsExchange also arranges competitive exchange rates through its SmartRate technology. This tech selects and implements the best ongoing conversion rates for any crypto pair.
- Floating/fixed rate. If you wish to gamble with price volatility, LetsExchange allows you to choose a floating exchange rate. However, there’s also the alternative fixed rate option for those who aren’t risk takers.
MATIC to XMR Swap Guide
To convert your MATIC into XMR, visit the LetsExchange platform and provide the necessary information in the trade widget as follows:
- Select MATIC and type in the amount you wish to convert.
- Choose whether you wish to use a floating or fixed rate.
- Enter a promo code if you have one to receive cashback.
- Click on the Exchange button.
- Enter the Monero wallet address and refund address, then click on Next.
The swap will take a few minutes. However, it might take longer due to the blockchain load, so wait and Monero will reflect in your account.
This platform has a minimalist interface with minimum functionality.

- Realtime cryptocurrency ticker. Bitswitch supports dozens of cryptos and doesn’t require signing up.
- Floating rates. The rates on this platform are floating, which may be handy to skilled traders who want to speculate in volatility.
MATIC to XMR: How to Use Bitswitch
To make an exchange on Bitswitch is quite simple:
- Go to the Bitswitch exchange and select your trading pairs.
- Enter the amount of MATIC you wish to convert to see the exchange rate.
- Provide your sender and destination addresses in the appropriate boxes.
- Click on exchange to initiate the conversion.
MATIC to XMR: Choose the Ideal Option
Polygon and Monero have each performed well in the last couple of months. Monero has been exceptional, hence why many investors wish to hold the crypto.
If you’re looking to convert MATIC to XMR, always consider an exchange platform that guarantees the security of your cryptos while offering fast transactions at competitive exchange rates. For anonymity and a rich selection of crypto pairs, consider Godex — it should satisfy most of your crypto trading needs.