Have you ever wondered if you can bury a treasure under the water in Minecraft? Well we have some good news for you, it’s possible! The trick to this is burying something and then making an airlock around it. Once all of the air escapes and you’re underwater, the pressure will cause another block to pop up from below your dirt or sand. You won’t be able to get your treasure immediately after the block appears because the water pressure will push you back up, so just wait for it to rise to around five blocks under surface level. At that point you’ll be submerged but not being squashed by the ocean! From there, just start mining down into your new found treasure trove under the water.
If you’ve got a Minecraft account, why not try it out? For those of you who want to learn how, continue on to the next section. If not, make sure to bookmark this page and share it with your friends!
How deep can a treasure chest be in minecraft
If you have a lot of experience playing Minecraft then you should know that there is no real limit to how deep your treasure chest can go. If you do not want it buried too deep though, we recommend leaving at least two blocks between the surface and where you want your treasure to appear. That way the pressure won’t force it out from your initial location.
There is a limit to how deep any block can be placed in Minecraft. If you want to bury a treasure chest at the bottom of the ocean, it would likely take a very long time for it to pop back up once you begin digging down from above water. Water will work at any depth though, so you could use this method to find a treasure deep within the earth or even on the other side of an ocean!
What is Minecraft and what can you do in it
Minecraft is a game that many people have played. It allows you to create your own world. You can do this by laying blocks or mining them out of caves, forests, and the ground. There are now different versions of Minecraft with each having their own unique features. People have made custom maps for the game with some being very difficult to complete. You can also play online with your friends. Minecraft has developed quite a following over the years and still has much to offer players hoping to explore new worlds within the game.
How to find water in Minecraft
To find water in Minecraft you simply need to look for a small lake or pond. You can also dig deep enough and you will eventually hit water, but this is definitely not recommended since it is very tedious and not as fun as exploring on your own. To be safe we recommend digging until the block of dirt is half the normal size. At that point you should dig straight down and observe if any water is present. If not, then just continue digging until you hit the bedrock or another block of dirt. The only way to tell what’s below is to take a peek so we suggest digging at least one block deep before making sure your path is clear!
How to bury a treasure under the water in Minecraft
To make a treasure appear under the water in Minecraft all you need to do is create an airlock. First, lay a block on any surface and put a chest on top of it. From there, break the floor from under the chest so that there is more empty space underneath it than on every other side. Now just replace the dirt with air and the chest will pop out from the bottom!