The Pokemon games on Nintendo DS and 3DS are incredibly unique games, but there is one thing that might surprise some players. The good rod you can get in these two titles has an interesting story behind it’s origin. It was originally made to catch the legendary Shiny Rayquaza so it would be easier for trainers to have a chance at catching this elusive Pokemon. If you want your chances of catching Rayquaza higher than 50%, then make sure you know where to find the best rods throughout both versions of Pokemon Diamond and Pearl!
The “old rod pokemon brilliant diamond” is a unique item that can be found in the game Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. It’s a powerful item, but it’s also rare to find.
You can capture more Pokemon with a better rod. Where To Obtain The Good Rod In Pokemon Brilliant Diamond And Shining Pearl will explain you where to discover the improved fishing rod, since the old rod you acquire earlier in the game doesn’t allow you to capture many of the Water Pokemon you may find.
The Good Rod is accessible quite early in the game, but you’ll need to advance a little before you can grab it. After defeating the second Gym Leader and receiving your second badge, you must clear out Team Galactic’s building in the same town in order to unlock your bike. The tale will instruct you to go to Hearthome City after you acquire your bike. Once you arrive, you must complete a few tasks, including discovering the Contest Hall and fighting your opponent while you attempt to flee the town. You must go to Route 209 after your opponent has been vanquished.
In Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, Where Can You Find The Good Rod?
Route 209 runs through Solaceon Town. You’ll come across a bunch of fishermen fishing from some wooden platforms in the water around halfway down the path. Speak with the fisherman seen at the top of this page. Tell him you like fishing when you chat with him.
He’ll agree to give you the Good Rod after a few remarks. You may now use it to capture water Pokmeon of a higher level.
Captaincamper posted this on November 19, 2021 in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond And Shining Pearl Guides.
You may claim promotional things using Mystery Gifts. This article on How To Use Mystery Gift In Pokemon Brilliant Diamond And Shining Pearl will teach you all you need to know about the Mystery Gift system, including how to claim pre-order goodies like the Manaphy Egg. Let’s get this party started.
Captaincamper posted this on November 18, 2021 in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond And Shining Pearl Guides.
Before you meet the gym leader, you must solve another riddle in Canalave City. To go over it quickly, use our Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl Canalave City gym guide. You may utilize the strength hidden move this way.
Captaincamper posted this on November 18, 2021 in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond And Shining Pearl Guides.
Defog is one of the techniques that never appeared in another Pokemon game. Locate out where to find Defog in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl using this guide. This way, you’ll be able to figure out how to get past those annoying fog barriers.
Captaincamper posted this on November 18, 2021 in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond And Shining Pearl Guides.
In Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, strength is required to push stones, however this is frequently overlooked. Learn how to push boulders in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond And Shining Pearl with this instruction. You’ll be able to proceed deeper into the game this way.
The “where to get fishing rod pokemon brilliant diamond” is a question that has been asked many times before. The answer is found in the game’s code.
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